Connect with us, Wishing our readers merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Celebs, Wishing our readers merry Christmas and a happy New Year

The office of Ghanashowbiz  is now closed for the festive period, we’ll be reopening on Tuesday 2 January when our usual news and bulletin service will resume.
The good news is that we do have a schedule of content to help keep you entertained over the Christmas break, including a month-by-month review of the year and 2018 predictions from some of de broadcaster wisest individuals.
Merry Christmas from the Ghanashowbiz  team
So, if you find yourself at a loose end over the holidays, don’t forget to check back on the site where we will be publishing fresh articles every day until the fully rested Ghanashowbiz team cheerfully drag themselves back into the office in the New Year.
Thank you to all our readers, advertisers and partners for their invaluable support over the past 12 months, we really couldn’t do what we do without you all.
The Ghanashowbiz  team wishes you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous year in 2018.

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Kingsley Adomako Odrey known professionally as Citizen Kwadwo, is a Ghanaian celebrity blogger, IT Mogul, Businessman, and Web Developer. Follow : Instagram- @citizenkwadwo Twitter: @Citizenkwadwo

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