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How to wear a plus size tutu


How to wear a plus size tutu

When I first got my plus size tutu I knew I loved it, but I wasn’t quite sure how to wear it. With time and practice I’ve learned that it’s a pretty versatile piece that can be styled up or down depending on where I’m going.

This is one of my favorite pieces because even as my personal style evolves, this skirt still makes me feel amazing.

Here are three different ways I like to wear my tutu.

Putting a bodysuit on under my tutu creates an instant cocktail dress. I’ve worn this look for singing gigs and for more formal events. I could definitely see this as a New Years Eve outfit. To add color, I swapped out the black satin sash that comes with the skirt for a thick leather belt in burgundy.

Dressing my tutu down with a crop top and chuck taylor’s make it feel more casual and fun. This would be a fun look for brunch with friends or even a concert.

For some reason this outfit made me want to ride a skateboard lol.

My most versatile way to wear a tutu is with printed tops. I’ve yet to find a printed top that looks bad with my tutu, sometimes I pair my tulle skirts with vintage silk tops, polka dot tops, bright pink tops and my newest way to have fun is mixing in my favorite Ankara print tops!

For me this would be a great birthday party look, it’s fun but still comfy! I tied this shirt into a not for even more flare and kept the shoes simple with pointy flats…

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