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Nigeria @ 59: A success story or a failed state?


Nigeria @ 59: A success story or a failed state?

Nigeria has failed due to bad leadership   – Barr. Habib Whyte, Lawyer

It is very difficult to determine if Nigeria is a success story or a failed state. However, we can measure the growth of Nigeria through her improvements in some areas of human endeavour. We can also nurse the wounds that failed leadership has caused her. Nigeria was recently ranked the 15th failed state in the world.







Nigeria has failed’

There is no doubt that the country has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. Our democracy is in crisis. The reasons why Nigeria can be said to have failed are; First, the Nigerian government over time has monopolized democratic powers within her jurisdiction by creating an unprofessional and ineffective security system.

It has been proven that one of the agent of government that have abused and trampled upon the rights of her citizen is the Nigerian Police. Secondly, the Nigerian government also over time have built an inefficient tax system to raise revenue and also there has been total neglect of profitable source of revenue.

Our leaders only govern for today and not for the future of Nigeria. Thirdly, there is no respect for Rule of Law. Some persons are bigger than the law. We have precedents in abundance. Also  the government have not been able to create employment opportunities, provide basic infrastructure or encourage good trade system in the country.

Conclusively, our power-sharing and decentralised democracy that engenders harmony and inclusive governance is very faulty. There is need for our country to move away from money politics.   In all, Nigeria has failed and is still failing because she has been plagued with bad leadership.

Our democracy is crawling…   –  Bello, Idris Olakunle – Digital Marketer/PR Expert.

“We can’t make a parallel submission that Nigeria is a failed state @ 59. What is most important to note is that, our democracy is crawling, with a crippling legacy of corruption, tax inflation and unstable economy. However, I feel the government needs to really pay attention to education in Nigeria, particularly tertiary education. It is a sector that is gradually being abandoned.”

Nigeria is a surviving state with bleak future – Gbenga James, Research Assistant

A state has failed if it is unable to maintain its internal and external sovereignty. Nigeria is struggling in this regard, due to high level of poverty, sectarian violence, call for secession, poor economic policies and bad governance amongst others. Nigeria is a SURVIVING state with a bleak future. People are leaving for greener pastures.

There’s a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Unemployment has directly and indirectly increased crime and suicide rate. Terrorism and kidnapping has become the order of the day. Nevertheless, Nigeria might not have failed completely judging by the concept of a failed state. Hopes were high when a new government took over power in 2015. But have these hopes solved the problems and rekindled the nationalistic spirit of   Nigerians? Your guess is as good as mine.

Nigeria ticks all the boxes of a failed state –  Babawale Oluwafunmito, Digital Marketing Expert

Theoretically, I think Nigeria has ticked the box for most of the requirements of a failed state. According to Wikipedia, “a failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign   government no longer function properly. A state can also fail if the government loses its legitimacy even if it is performing its functions properly.” This textbook profile almost fits Nigeria like a glove, a state where the people no longer believe in the superiority or the ability of the government. A state riddled with uncertainty and imbalance that poverty and insecurity have become a norm.

It is difficult not to consider Nigeria a failed state or feel like the leadership has failed its citizens, considering the fact that nothing seems to function properly in the country. We lack basic amenities, over 60% of the population live in abject poverty, unemployment is the order of the day and corruption is a state business… The government seem to be oblivious to the plight of the people.

The leadership lacks accountability so much that the citizens no longer trust anything that comes from its leaders.   Even in all these Nigerians are very optimistic people, which is why we keep hoping for a better Nigeria despite all evidences pointing otherwise. Therefore, taking a page from our leaders’ playbook and detaching ourselves from reality, we may say that Nigeria is neither a success story nor a failed state.

At 59, Nigeria leaves more to be desired – Yusuf Babalola, Businessman

At 59, we still dont have stable electricity. At 59, industries are being converted to churches. At 59, there is no affordable education for children and youths. At 59 the minimum wage is 18,000 which can’t sustain workers for a week, thus stylishly encouraging corruption. At 59, we spend 6 to 7 hours from Lagos to Ilorin just 250 kilometres, a journey that would ordinarily last 2 hours. At 59, a lot of patriotic retired government workers are dying like chickens, because some corrupt leaders have diverted their pensions. At 59, everyone hires mobile police while traveling, for safety and security. At 59 political offices are more attractive than any other business venture… All these go to show that we have failed as a country.

Nigeria is a failed state – Leonard Ejiofor, Businessman

Sincerely, I will admit that Nigeria is a failed state due to obvious reasons; First of all,   the leadership template our founding fathers laid down for us has been compromised and jettisoned. Greed and regional aggrandizement killed the spirit of nationhood and gave birth to regional supremacy which is cancerous to our success as a country.

The priority of a successful state is development and improved standard of living, but our political leaders are only interested in winning the game and controlling the center even if it means selling off the country into slavery. The heroes of Nigeria democracy have at one time or the other organised a constitutional conference that was   meant to address the numerous challenges of the Nigeria nation, but that was sacrificed on the altar of regional agenda and cowardice.

Nigeria is a work in progress – Oyebiyi Ladapo, Legal Practitioner

Nigeria is a work in progress. We are not where we are headed or anywhere close, but we are making progress. There are so many stakeholders and captains in Nigeria as a whole with various interests, approaches and beliefs. Our leaders must be intentional with the development of Nigeria as a nation at every level. They should place value on human lives and be just and fair in enforcement and regulations.

Most times criticisms are interest-based or unconstructive, so propaganda and distractions will come to play and bigotry is positioned in the mind of most citizens, therefore you can never do enough. Political ideologies differ so every party has their approach of getting things done at a certain speed and pace. Nigeria is neither successful nor failed, because it has gathered baby steps in toiling for decades and in due time it would find its direction, but distractions are certain because of the ripple effect of corruption and poverty over the years.

But with the right leaders, at the right time, it would catch up and find direction. If the citizens of this nation and representatives of political zones can come together and let us know what the theme of a Nigerian dream is or the   purpose of one Nigeria, like other developed nations like America did in their declaration of America as a nation by their fathers or the new British referendum, we would or may have a clear path of peace and direction. In my opinion, Nigeria is moving, but not at the right speed.

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Kingsley Adomako Odrey known professionally as Citizen Kwadwo, is a Ghanaian celebrity blogger, IT Mogul, Businessman, and Web Developer. Follow : Instagram- @citizenkwadwo Twitter: @Citizenkwadwo

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