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Tracy Morgan Won’t Help Mom Avoid Foreclosure?


Tracy Morgan Won’t Help Mom Avoid Foreclosure?

Funnyman Tracy Morgan, whose estimated worth is about $18 million, refuses to help his estranged mom avoid the foreclosure of her home reports the New York Daily News.

The “30 Rock” star’s mother Alice Warden, who lives in northeast Ohio, is currently in the hole for a reported $25,000. Yet Forbes is stating that Morgan is only willing to bail out his mom with a mere one-time payment of $2,000.

Morgan’s siblings are up in arms about their famous brother.  Asia Morgan, who refers to her brother as a “d—–bag” says that Tracy has “never been a nice person and that money has just made it worse.”

Warden’s mortgage company has given her until February 23 to come up with the minimum payment in order to keep her home.  The utility company has also sent the 61-year-old Mom a final notice that her lights will be turned off.  On top of all of that, Warden’s vehicle is also on the verge of being repo’d.

Asia says that her mother, who has reportedly always taken care of her family to the best of her ability, lost her job last February.  Now her unemployment benefits have run out, she is battling diabetes, and she is having problems with her legs.

Warden reportedly approached her son in January of this year, and initially, Tracy agreed to offer his mother some assistance but pulled the plug after he thought that she had done a tabloid interview about him.  Warden denies the accusation.

Soon after the tabloid incident, Warden allegedly received a call from one of Tracy’s reps who informed her that the star was willing to give her a “one-shot deal” of $2,000 and that was all.  “I told her, ‘Thank you, but no thank you. I’m not some person in the street,’” Warden told the Daily News adding, “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Warden sends a warning out to her son, “God don’t like ugly,” she says. “Karma comes back to you.”

Meanwhile in Tracy’s book “I Am the New Black,” the comedian writes of his mom, “I love my mother and always will. She did the best she could.”

What goes around, comes around, indeed!

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