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Black women and lipstick


Black women and lipstick

For us dark skinned girls, the invention of the lip gloss was a divine intervention. After all, it wasn’t over the top, it made our lips shine and most importantly we could look just as pretty without using the Lipstick.

The Lipstick, for so long we stayed clear of it, because black girls were unsure as to how to use it. Fortunately that is changing even though it is really just a few of them who are bold enough to rock it.

The trick really is to experiment with colours to find the right types that suit your tone.

The red lipstick, For me, it is probably the most avoided colour. Most ordinary Africa women, especially the darker ones won’t try it or believe they just can’t wear the bold colour.

That isn’t true. Granted, white (pink) girls can wear cherry red. However dark skinned women can also rock that dreaded colour, by choosing deeper reds.

You must take note however that the choice of red lipstick must match your clothes or small details such as your purse, earrings, shoes or even nail polish.

Black women need to keep in mind that medium colours of lipstick best suites them. Dark purple, pink, chocolate or plumes are great colours.

Colours to stay away from are metallic ones; metallic green, metallic silver and the like are fashion disasters for black women that would be just asking for it!

Keep in mind that:

In using lipstick, use a lip brush when applying strong colours. Lips look more natural when they are lined after you apply lipstick.

To ensure that your lipstick lasts very long, aka a Kleenex and put it over your mouth and dust baby powder or translucent finishing powder over the Kleenex. Works like a charm.

You can also fill in your lips completely with liner before applying lipstick. It will act as a base when the lipstick wears off.

Long-wearing lipstick is the best way to age the lips. It is very dry causing the lips to age faster.

Having fuller lips will already help give a youthful appearance. Unfortunately as we age the lips tend to get smaller. Applying the lipstick in a certain way can also help give the appearance of fuller lips.

Shimmer will provide a shine without being as drying or teenage looking as frost. The coverage is light but will work for most women. This is a great formula to get fuller, younger looking lips.

Of course you might not get it all right the first time round, so just play around the various colors and techniques until you find the choice of lipstick that best suites you.

By Citifmonline. com/Ghana

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