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Don’t Allow Your Weakness To Break You


Don’t Allow Your Weakness To Break You

Most of the time, our weaknesses drive us back from our dreams.
They break us, pull us and paralyse us.
You plan of becoming successful in the future.
You plan of setting up a business one day.
You plan of building a happy family for yourself in the future.
In the process of your quest to your dreams ,
you persevere , determine and work hard.
You are always fixated to your goals.


Suddenly, you fall sick,
you lose your job,
you lose your parents, best friend or love one.
Your relationship gets terminated.
You get robbed with the money you have to start your business with.
You apply for job several times but you always get rejected.
People ridicule you whenever you say your dream.
The man that promised to marry you died,
the person that promised to help you changed his mind.
The girl or boy you spent most of your money on is dating another person.
You get confused, you get embarrassed and anxious.
You cry, scream and lean against the wall.
Seeing yourself lying on the sick bed gets you into thinking.
Being diagnosed of a cancer or being announced as a diabetic patient breaks your heart.
Hearing the death of your pregnant wife of whom you were expecting a baby and a mother tears you apart.
You then give up on your regular activities you used to do.
The morning exercise, the determination, perseverance and hard work.
You quit everything .
The business you decided to build for yourself.
The book you decided to write.
The joy you decided to put on people’s faces .
The money you decided to save.
You quit learning,
you start being lazy,
you stop being punctual in everything.
And finally, you forget your goals
you forget your aims and ambition.
Hey!! these are all your weaknesses:
these are all your setbacks.
All these disappointments, heartbreaks and sorrows are thorns on your way.
They are hindrances on your way to focusing on your goals.
If you don’t take care, you can quit or give up on your dream.
In life, you may encounter difficulties, problems and disappointments but don’t allow these things to set you back.
Don’t let those things to be your weaknesses.

Let them empower you
let them strengthen you
let them keep you going.
When you encounter sickness, stress, depression, failures and disappointments, shout out and say;
you are not my weakness neither are you my hindrance but you are my power.
And because you have come to my life ,
I will be more powerful, I will be more determined and focused on my dream.

Written by: Ruth Obeng Mensah (motivational speaker)
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