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Ghana: A Country That Gives Little, But Expects So Much


Ghana: A Country That Gives Little, But Expects So Much

Gary Al-Smith writes;

• There are Ghanaians who actually find it OK to insult the athletes we sent to Tokyo for so-called underperformance.

• There are Ghanaians who actually feel entitled to a medal when this country gave the athletes far less than ideal preparation.

• There are Ghanaians who actually believe that the athletes have gone to waste taxpayers money.

• There are Ghanaians who feel that Samuel Takyi was too overexcited (and not focused) after making the semifinal that he lost his way against Ragan Duke, who has been a professional boxer with fights under his belt, and years of experience. This same Takyi who knew a gold medal will change his life.

• There are Ghanaians who actually feel that Nadia Eke the triple jumper is ‘not serious’. They forget that Nadia is no more in school, and hence has no access to the collegiate facilities available. She needed funds to continue training since she completed school. She did not have. So she did not attend high-level competitions to prepare adequately. Unlike other nations, her country did not support her.

• There are Ghanaians who actually feel that because the 4x100m team made a lane error during baton change and were disqialified, they have gone to humiliate us. This athletic team that has outdone itself based on how we have prepared them.

There are Ghanaians who do not know that some of the greatest athletic quartets of all time have found themselves disqualified on technicalities, and so think it is nice to malign this crop of athletes who have done so much with so little.

• There are those who actually feel Abeku Jackson the swimmer has wasted our time at two Olympic tournaments. They forget that Jackson has basically been sponsored almost his ENITIRE career by his father, Mr Jackson. His meets, international travel to prep, you name it….very minimal national input. But he won his heat and couldn’t advance. So some of us denigrate the kid.

E be so we dey? Ah, well.

Let’s continue.

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C. A. Asante is a teacher (Village Teacher) by profession who has reported on a number of elections in Ghana for Central Press Newspaper. He is known among his peers as a researcher and regular contributor in Education, Politics, etc. Follow : Instagram- @ chris_asante1...Facebook: CA Asante

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