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Opinion: Agya Koo’s ordeal; an Advice to Lilwin & others?

Movies & TV

Opinion: Agya Koo’s ordeal; an Advice to Lilwin & others?

untitledAs regular as I surf online for news and read on the latest happenings with a special bias to entertainment since that’s my territory, I came across a particular post that seemed to have been duplicated on several web portals under the headline “Agya Koo threatens to quit acting”. It was just funny and this got me bursting into laughter attracting my colleagues’ attention and rushing into my office to see if I was ok.

Oh YES!! I was indeed fine and normal. In fact, I remain fine and normal as I write this piece but the question I asked myself was, “Does anyone really care if Kofi Adu popularly known as Agya Koo quits acting?”

“Does he share the money he gains from acting with Ghanaians and how contributive has he been to the life of that young child by the roadside?” Yes, he has helped the local movie industry but to threaten, Hell NO!! Who was he threatening in any case? Producers, directors or Ghanaians?

In the past few years, Agya Koo who was once the toast of many Akan movie lovers seem to have found himself in the wrong books of many producers therefore leaving him to fend for himself and produce his own movies.

Among the many reasons stated by some of the producers for sidelining him were that, Agya Koo dictated as to the film directors he wished to work on particular movie sets, the number of hours he would spend on a set since he had other movies to shoot, disrespect for fellow actors, the number of cameras he wanted on a set, the kind of actors he wanted to work with, charged exorbitant prices and made very unnecessary demands, many of which he denied and openly dared a single producer to state when he put up such a behavior or made such demands in the last interview he granted to Charles Asare on Angel Fm in Kumasi.

The truth of the matter and the hard truth for that matter is that, since my decision to follow, read, write and talk showbiz, there has never been an instance where a celebrity, either in Ghana or abroad has lived all his life enjoying the fame and popularity (lights, camera, and action) amongst his people. (I stand to be corrected though).

It is therefore very necessary Agya Koo understands that whether movie producers have teamed up to oust him out of the system by fabricating stories about him or not, TIME is always an enemy and would never be favourable to every individual all the time.

In the early days of his acting career, Agya Koo enjoyed all the hype and buzz even leading to being presented the order of Volta, the highest recognition in Ghana by the then president of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency John Agyekum Kuffour. He indeed went places and saw it all. That was exactly when he should have realized he was never going to remain on top forever.

His (Agya Koo) reign was cut short by the discovery of another actor known as Kwaku Manu aka ‘Am Kiss You’ who won the hearts of many through Akan movies and acted in roles that would have normally been acted by Agya Koo. This somehow led to friction among the two characters who would later sort their own problems but cannot stand the might of a certain Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin who is now reigning in the Ghanaian movie industry.

The essence of this long essay as you may call it is just to outline the fact that, it is time Agya Koo understood that his era of reign is long gone and the earlier he accepted that, the better for him to make great decisions concerning his future just as Sarkodie in a line in one of his songs would say, “Wo ho atwamu tes3 NPP campaign.”

He must also understand that in an environment where a mere disagreement with your boss could leave you jobless despite your professional qualification and experience, you do not bite the finger that feeds you.

Now what lessons do other industry folks learn from Agya Koo’s ordeal?

We have seen so many showbiz personalities who once lived all the “big and expensive” life reduce to tatters in their old age and the question we ask is, what happened? You really care to know?

Although we do not have very good structures that ensure that people in the industry enjoy royalties and other benefits from their toils in their old age when they can’t work anymore, it is very important they considered times and seasons as enemies and therefore made the best of the opportunities in their prime either by investing or doing something profitable since the up seasons would not last.

My only appeal to Lilwin and all those who are currently on top of their games and enjoying the fame and all that comes with it is to consider time and make the best of the season so they do not live to regret and point accusing fingers as Agya Koo is doing now.

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