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The Unwarranted Fizzle Of Frenemies: A Look At That Of Mzbel And Afia Schwar


The Unwarranted Fizzle Of Frenemies: A Look At That Of Mzbel And Afia Schwar

Growing up had the best experiences one could ever hope for. This is quite evident in the innocent and genuine love, peace, and care we enjoyed from our smaller companions. As we aged on, the real traits of humanity dawned on us. Negative energies seem to be spirits planted into our very young selves in installments until we are finally monstrous enough to deal with others.

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The term we became familiar with as young and innocent beings was “friends”. Some true friends back in the days were pure in heart, free-spirited, and overly interested in our well-being until we all grew up into pretentious companions! In recent times, most friends we adore and cherish are in fact befriending us hypocritically. In the sense that they do not only serve as our friends but also pose as enemies at the same time. This was how the two words became infused and popularized by netizens (that is friends and enemies into frenemies).

In Ghana, a typical example of such a scenario can be cited severally amongst politicians, musicians, neighbours, colleagues, and so on. The most glaring one is the frenemies moment which is being shared by comedienne Afia Schwarzenegger and musician Mzbel. These ladies almost gave their colleagues sleepless nights when they gallivanted around as though they were going to remain besties forever. Little did we know that they were never genuine friends but rather frenemies! The third companion was Nana Tornado but it remains a mystery that he and Mzbel are now best of friends whilst Afia Schwarzenegger is seen as an enemy now! I am yet to fathom why former best friends would ever decide to be fiercest enemies ever to the extent of disclosing sensitive secrets and information they once shared and swore to protect. Frankly, such instances make friendship and secrecy a bit dicey because you might not know when the companionship may disintegrate into irreparable fragments.

Should we stop making friends for fear of such instances as what happened between Mzbel and Afia Schwarzenegger?

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C. A. Asante is a teacher (Village Teacher) by profession who has reported on a number of elections in Ghana for Central Press Newspaper. He is known among his peers as a researcher and regular contributor in Education, Politics, etc. Follow : Instagram- @ chris_asante1...Facebook: CA Asante

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