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Do’s & Dont’s of eyeliners


Do’s & Dont’s of eyeliners

eyelinerEyeliners enhance the beauty of the eye, little wonder most ladies would not be caught dead without them.

Using the right eye makeup can guarantee that “heads will turn” when you enter the room. However, you best achieve this by giving more attention to your eye liner, then focusing more on your eye shadow.

Eyeliner, correctly applied, can make a huge difference in your makeup routine. Not only will it emphasize the shape of your eyes, but it will also accentuate your lashes in ways that mascara alone can’t do. In fact eye liner, when correctly applied, can help turn your makeup routine from sexy, to classy, and all the way, to bold.

As important as eye liner is for women, not all of them apply it correctly be it pencil eyeliner or liquid eye liner.

Here are the top mistakes women make when applying eyeliner: Using Either Too Little or Too Much Eye Liner

One of the basics on how to apply eye liner is using the right amount of product. By using too little, you won’t be able to get the best effect from your eye liner. On the other hand, too much eye liner will overpower the rest of your eye makeup, and waste your efforts in choosing the right eye shadow and applying your mascara expertly.

Using Greasy Pencils on Your Lower Lashes

Applying eye liner may seem difficult at times. However, you shouldn’t use a slick pencil just to make your work easy, as you will be cleaning up smeared and smudged eye liner later.

Lining the Inside Rim of Your Lids and the Area Between The Lashes

You may have been instructed to make sure that your lids’ inner rim, and the area between your lashes, receive a generous amount however too much not only looks unattractive, but it can affect the cornea in the long run.

Lining Only Your Bottom Lash Line

Some guides recommend using this product only on the bottom lash line. However, if you listen to those, you will end up adding years to your age. Lining your bottom lash line alone will make your eyes seem droopy and heavy, therefore making your face appear older.

Applying Mascara Before Eye Liner

Some women believe that applying mascara first will allow them to assess how much eye liner they would use. However this is wrong, applying mascara after your eye liner allows you to compensate for any lack of depth or definition you may have caused by applying your eyeliner wrong.

Source: ghana web

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