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Lets Talk: Why Do Some Men Cheat?


Lets Talk: Why Do Some Men Cheat?

I am Gifty Adrah and this is Love Capsules. Few days ago I introduced a very sensitive topic on likee live and I had 9,481 views within 1 hour 24minutes. I decided to pick this topic again for a discussion.

The topic was Why do some men cheat?
Cheating is defined as being emotionally or sx3ually unfaithful to your partner you are in a closed relationship with.

Read Also: Long Distance Relationship

The reason why some men cheat are the following:

• People cheat out of revenge or anger
• Some cheat if their partner doesn’t have much to give, such as physical or emotional or doesn’t understand you and your needs.
• Some also cheat when they are falling out of love. When they realize they love someone else but can’t say it directly.

• Situational factors like long distance relationship.
• Wanting varieties that some men will want to engage in different relationship just for the fun of it. Finally the problem of low self-esteem.
Despite the idea of all men cheat is not correct, but I think if all these problems arise in your relationship it may lead to breaking the promise of fidelity.
Some of the ways to solve the problem are…
• Talk to your partner about what happened
• Ask if they want to continue this relationship
• Ask yourself if you can trust your partner again
• Ask yourself if you still want the relationship and finally if possible talk to a counselor.

Menua Odo W)h)yi 3ye nukwer3 nti di nukwer3 3ma wodofo

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C. A. Asante is a teacher (Village Teacher) by profession who has reported on a number of elections in Ghana for Central Press Newspaper. He is known among his peers as a researcher and regular contributor in Education, Politics, etc. Follow : Instagram- @ chris_asante1...Facebook: CA Asante

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