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What keeps your relationship going?

Love Capsules

What keeps your relationship going?

Is It True Love Or Money

True love could be the center or the foundation of a relationship but what keeps a good and healthy relationship going includes trust, respect, communication, honesty and money indeed. For Example; Love is like buying a nice car of your choice but without putting in fuel, the car will never move. This is the same as the Importance of money in a Relationship.

Life is not a furry tale but its reality therefore in a Relationship lovers would have to work hard and earn money to keep their lives comfortable.
So there is a need for a balance and just don’t be a gold digger, in the same way too, its not advisable to waste your precious life with a partner who is not willing to make ends meet.

Love your partner but most importantly love yourself and have your goals and aspirations in life fulfilled and never tolerate a partner who is going to be a baggage and a liability to you.
Nti menua sika y3 mogya nanso odopa hu 3y3 na, nti s3 wo ny3 bia somu yie.

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C. A. Asante is a teacher (Village Teacher) by profession who has reported on a number of elections in Ghana for Central Press Newspaper. He is known among his peers as a researcher and regular contributor in Education, Politics, etc. Follow : Instagram- @ chris_asante1...Facebook: CA Asante

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